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Icanix Coaches

Icanix Fitness is...

Icanix Fitness is a comprehensive fitness program rooted in exercise science. Our all-inclusive periodized system progresses you through a series of various training cycles provided in a unique, safe and structured setting. Our coaches monitor your workout to provide guidance and modifications, emphasizing proper technique and form, enabling you to work at your personal fitness levels and capabilities. Along with structure, guidance and a safe setting, at Icanix Fitness we promote an “I Can” attitude.

We concentrate on 20% of the best exercises used in the fitness industry today, because they produce 80% of the results. Through this principle, Icanix exposes you to the best aspects of all fitness modalities. By utilizing several levels of progression for each exercise, customization is built into our system. No matter what level of fitness you are currently at, our workouts are easily adjusted to personally fit you!

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